Friday, March 26, 2010

Opening a form?

Created a form using LiveCycle and e-mailed it to a workstation as a pdf but having problem opening. The workstation does not have Adobe Pro, but an older version of Adobe. Does that make a difference?

Opening a form?


In LC Designer you can set the target version of Acrobat (and Reader) that the form is designed to open in. Go to File / Form Properties / Defaults tab.

Then in the Warnings tab (Window / Report menu) you can see if you have objects that will not work properly in the target version you have set:

So, check out what version of Acrobat (or Reader) is on the workstation. Then in LC set the default to that version. Check the warnings tab to make sure the form will work (that there are no warnings) and then send to the workstation again.

If the workstation has an old version of Reader, you could download the latest version. If the form has not been ''reader enabled'' then the form cannot be saved in Reader. If you have Acrobat Standard (v9) or Acrobat Professional (older versions) you can reader enable the form before you send it to the workstation, but there is a licence restriction to no more that 500 data processing of that form.

Good luck,


Opening a form?

Thanks for the help. But one question, how do you reader enable it? I have Pro 8.



If you open the form in Acrobat there is a menu item that allows you to apply the Reader Extensions. In V9 it is under the Advanced menu, but for the life of me I can't remember where it is in V8.

You might have to ''distribute'' the form, which applies the reader extensions. I would have to look it up.

I'll come back to it,


Thanks, I appreciate your help. Please remember, I created the form in V8 and the workstation has reader 8. It will only let me save a copy or save text.

Thanks again,



OK, I now have a laptop with Acrobat 8. To reader enable a form in Acrobat 8:

  1. Go to the Forms menu and select ''Distribute Form...''
  2. This will bring you through a series of windows, where you have to tell Acrobat how you want to distribute the form (email or save) and give it a name. Acrobat will append the file name with ''_pub_001''.
  3. You send the ''_pub_001'' file to the workstation that has Reader 8;
  4. Note that you will have to include an email field in the form (which has a valid email address), so that the form can be reader enabled and distributed.
  5. Note there are licence restrictions.

Below are a few screen shots.

Also I am uploading a couple of notes on reader enabling. These are draft and may be amended. Thanks to Paul Guerett for reviewing this.

Good luck,


ps聽聽 I have just discovered that in fact you can enable a static form for Reader users to comment / annotate a form. However dynamic forms cannot be enabled for comments (I think). I have uploaded a revision to reflect this. Any takers on corrections????


I did what you said and it created two files. I don鈥檛 know which is which so I'm sending both to the workstation. Which on am I suppose to use?

One says ''datset_0001'' and the other ''pub_0001''



Hi Chris,

The file that has ''pub_0001'' in the filename is the reader enabled form and is the one to send to the workstation (that has Reader).

The file that has ''dataset_0001'' is a tool to collate responses coming back to you from different users. If you are not processing responses you do not need this file.

The reader enabled PDF (pub_0001) should now work on the workstation.

Good luck,


Hey N,

It worked great! Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it. If you don鈥檛 mind, I'm going to save you in my contacts. I finally found someone who knows what there doing.

Thanks again,


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