Friday, March 26, 2010

Disappearing Sound Track on Video Files...

Dear friends on the forum;

I have a Sony PD 150 camcorder. I took several videos on it which I subsequently downloaded to my PC (using Windows XP, Home Edition). I recall trying to increase the sound volumne on a couple of them, without a lot of success.?Anyway, when I went to check these files today I found that the sound track was non-existent!?

Can anyone shed light as to why this happened, how I can prevent it happening in future and if I can somehow retrieve the missing sound track?

Many thanks!


Disappearing Sound Track on Video Files...

How do you download from a PD150? Or do you mean capture? Please be precise and clear, otherwise it will lead to misunderstandings. What presets on what OS with what disk setup on what hardware, etcetera?

Some suggestions

Disappearing Sound Track on Video Files...

(As an aside, uploading/downloading are terms used when referring to the transfer of files between a local and remote computer, most commonly through the Internet.?The proper term for the transfer of media from a tape-based camera to a local computer is 'capture'.?For tapeless media such as P2 or XDCAM, the correct term is simply 'transfer'.)

On a more relevant note, I have to say that I have only ever heard of this problem when copying/pasting clips between projects, but in CS3.?I don't recall this happening in CS4, but still the questions bears asking.?Did you do any copying/pasting of the clips in question?


What happens if you Select one of your Audio Clips and hit the M key?

Good luck,


That's right, I meant ''capture''. I'm pretty sure I did copy/paste those files, Jim, so do you think that's the problem? If so, does this mean that I should avoid copying/pasting clips? This has happened to me in CS3 too! Is there any way to recover the lost sound tracks?

Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 10:36:16 -0600



Subject: Premiere Pro Re: Disappearing Sound Track on Video Files Downloaded on CS4

(As an aside, uploading/downloading are terms used when referring to the transfer of files between a local and remote computer, most commonly through the Internet. The proper term for the transfer of media from a tape-based camera to a local computer is 'capture'. For tapeless media such as P2 or XDCAM, the correct term is simply 'transfer'.)

On a more relevant note, I have to say that I have only ever heard of this problem when copying/pasting clips between projects, but in CS3. I don't recall this happening in CS4, but still the questions bears asking. Did you do any copying/pasting of the clips in question?


Thanks for the comeback, Harm. I'm not sure what you mean by ''presets'', or ''disk setup'' either. My OS is Windows XP. By ''hardware'', do you mean my computer? Sorry but I'm really ignorant in these areas!


Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 10:33:31 -0600



Subject: Premiere Pro Re: Disappearing Sound Track on Video Files Downloaded on CS4

How do you download from a PD150? Or do you mean capture? Please be precise and clear, otherwise it will lead to misunderstandings. What presets on what OS with what disk setup on what hardware, etcetera?


Thanks for the comeback, Hunt. Nothing happened when I hit ''M''. What was supposed to have (hopefully) happened?


Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 10:42:13 -0600



Subject: Premiere Pro Re: Disappearing Sound Track on Video Files Downloaded on CS4


What happens if you Select one of your Audio Clips and hit the M key?

Good luck,



What was supposed to have (hopefully) happened?

Unless you want to continue with the 20 post guessing game, I suggest you reread #1 and answer all 16 questions at the end of the first link.

I'm pretty sure I did copy/paste those files, Jim, so do you think that's the problem?

In the meantime, go to the Project Panel, and Rt-click on your AV file. Choose Offline Media, making sure that you ''leave files on disk.'' Then Rt-click again and choose Link Media, navigating to the AV file on your HDD.

Good luck,


I tried making the media off-line then re-linking it to the video file on my hard drive but no luck, Hunt. My audio is indeed flatlline; no sound both in the source and on the timeline. Is there any hope, do you think or should I just chalk this one up to experience and be careful not to do any copy/pasting. I consider this a serious flaw in Adobe.

Thanks for your kind input!


Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 14:49:52 -0600



Subject: Premiere Pro Re: Disappearing Sound Track on Video Files Downloaded on CS4

What was supposed to have (hopefully) happened?

You should have gotten the Link Media dialog to fix your Audio.

Now, Copy/Paste has been known to ''loose'' the Audio. It does not always happen, and sometimes it seems to work for a bit, and then the Audio goes flatline. Re-Linking the Media usually works fine.

Is your Audio ''flatline?'' When you Dbl-click on it, does it open in the Source Monitor with a Waveform? Does it play OK in the Source Monitor and not the Timeline, or both?

Good luck,




I believe the_wine_snob may already have recommended the cure, so the link below is a reiteration with a slightly diffent way of wording:

If you follow the link detailed in post #1

''The keyboard short cut is Press M when the CTI is located in the audio clip on the timeline and the audio clip is also in the source monitor'' for the copy/paste audio flatline workaround.



Thanks for that link and also for clarification. I was in a bit of a hurry and didn't mention the CTI, just assuming that it was there - duh! on my part. We all know what ''assuming'' will get you...

There was also a very lengthy thread on the Flatline Audio, and much of that centered on the Copy/Paste issues. Unfortunately, that was before the forum changeover, and was lost forever. Matter of fact, I think that it was before the failed forum changeover, a year, or so before the recent one. PrPro 2.0 was still the current program version. Though I was the originator of that post, I never bothered to copy that thread over to another server, and should have. Who knew that Adobe would make two forum changes, and the odl stuff would be lost? I've learned, and now post to a few other fora, and not just the links, but the full discussions, where possible.

Again, thank you for taking it one step further and covering up my omission,


Thanks, John. Can you advise me as to how to follow the link below, then? I confess to having deleted Hunt's post to me (don't tell him!). Input appreciated!


Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 04:46:47 -0600



Subject: Premiere Pro Re: Disappearing Sound Track on Video Files Downloaded on CS4


I believe the_wine_snob may already have recommended the cure, so the link below is a reiteration with a slightly diffent way of wording:


If you follow the link detailed in post #1

''The keyboard short cut is Press M when the CTI is located in the audio clip on the timeline and the audio clip is also in the source monitor'' for the copy/paste audio flatline workaround.



Hi Lewis

Think there's been a link too far.

The undernoted link is the one (I believe) you should have ended up at, if the intermediate links from various postings had been followed. 3F

As stated previously it is really just a rewording of the advice the_wine_snob had already given.


Thanks, John. I'm checking it out now. Stay tuned!


Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 00:48:23 -0600



Subject: Premiere Pro Re: Disappearing Sound Track on Video Files Downloaded on CS4

Hi Lewis

Think there's been a link too far.

The undernoted link is the one (I believe) you should have ended up at, if the intermediate links from various postings had been followed. 3F

As stated previously it is really just a rewording of the advice the_wine_snob had already given.



I confess to having deleted Hunt's post to me

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