Friday, March 26, 2010

Getting Acrobat navigation to match...

For the last couple semesters I have purchased many of my textbooks as eBooks. All of them but one I was able to get as an eBook this semester. I have gotten them in various formats, including Adobe Digital Editions, an SPDF using Oracle, and just as regular PDFs. I love being able to get them on my computer because it makes it much easier to have open right next to what i'm typing, it's easier to carry around, less expensive, etc. But there's one thing that has really been annoying that i'm somewhat shocked about is that as far as I can tell from everything I've searched for online, there's no way to get the Navigation in Acrobat to match the actual book pages.

For example, one of my books has 11 pages of contents, copyright, etc, before the one that is actually numbered page 1 in the book. I cannot tell you how many times a professor has told the class to turn to a specific page, and it takes much longer to do so because I cannot simply type in the number. My only options are to remember to add 11 to the page number I want to go to, or to do a search for the page number. It is somewhat impracticall for me to have to add to what page i'm looking for because I have multiple eBooks and each one would require me to add a different number. There's no way I can keep track of which one is which. Searching sometimes works alright, but I often times need to have to go a couple results in because it's looking for the number in any text in the book.

This seems to be something that should be a rudimentry feature of a program like Acrobat, which is used mostly to duplicate print documents electronically. Why is there no way to get the PDF navigation to match the actual page numbers of the media it is representing? If Acrobat already has this ability, please let me know. If not, I strongly suggest that it be implemented ASAP, if Adobe wants to have any control over the eBook market.

One shouldbe able to assign the navigation based on page ranges. For example, you could assign the cover 0, then assign the contents, etc. i-xxi or whatever the case may be, then assign the rest of the book 1-479, then number any apenxies accordingly as well. Clicking on the pages tab could show what number the page is in the PDF, but using navigation you could type the page you want and get there instantly.

I cannot believe this hasn't been implemented already, and hope to see this feature soon!

Getting Acrobat navigation to match...

Sorry I can't help JamMaster. My problem is related but not the same.

My InDesign (CS4) document is numbered using sections and the first section uses roman numerals i-vi for the verso, contents and introduction pages. Then the page numbering starts at 1 for chapter 1 which has been marked as a new section. Each chapter is marked as a new section with numbering continuing from the previous chapter. This all works very nicely in InDesign. When I export it as a pdf to Acrobat Pro (9), the page numbers appear correctly on the actual pages, but on the toolbar next to the up/down arrows where there is a little box displaying the current page, section 1 roman numerals appear correctly but then chapter 1 numbering continues as roman numerals instead of displaying 1, 2, 3 etc. When I get to chapter 2, the numbering is suddenly correct for the rest of the document. I have double-checked the section numbering in InDesign but the problem persists.

Any ideas anyone?

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