Sunday, March 28, 2010

Adobe your dirty..!

With all problems with version Pre7 and no fixes.. then you drop pre8 on peoples door step. but.... at an upgrade price. adobe your having a joke. Can't believe you jazz up the interface and fix problems that you should have fixed in pre7... you guys are a joke.!

Adobe your dirty..!

Your post would probably be more appropriate in THIS forum. The only Adobe presence here is that red A logo in the upper-left corner of these pages. We are all just humble users, trying to help other users solve their particular problems. No one from Adobe will ever see your post.


Adobe your dirty..!

Hunt this is a polite version of the email i have sent to them directly.! Just had to express myself here too dude..! No offence.!

Just had to express myself here too dude..! No offence.!

As this is just a rant and not a request for help, I will be moving this thread to the No Response Necessary forum soon.

As we often say on this forum, this is a user-to-user forum -- so the people you contact here do not work for Adobe. We're just fellow users out to help.

And ranting and complaining does nobody any good. Adobe won't hear it unless you contact them directly by clicking the Contact button at the top of this forum page.

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