Sunday, March 28, 2010

How to change a page display without...

We are helping a client increase their search engine visibility and have designed some pages to rank high organically.?The web administrator at this site indicates that every time he makes an update (using the cms) to one of these pages, the result is a page display with a new/different url.?We need to maintain the same url on these pages after updates.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

The Searchman

How to change a page display without...

Some CMSs attach a unique ID to the pages they generate. I think this can only be solved at the level of your CMS software.

How to change a page display without...

That sounds like very poor CMS design.?It also sounds like something you're going to need to take to your CMS vendor to get sorted out.?Which CMS is it?



The web administrator for this site indicates that the cms is ''iMIS eSeries''?Should that app enable him to make updates to display pages without necessitating new/different url's?


The Searchman

As per my previous comment, you'll need to take this up with the CMS vendor.?It's not a CF issue (ie: appropriate for these forums), it's a problem with their CMS application.



So, as I understand it, there is no limitation within CF that necessitates changing the displayed URL when a page is updated.

If that be true...we're done here, and Adam can go collect his 10 points.


The Searchman


There is nothing in ColdFuson that cares about whether the URL changes or not.

It just process the CFML of the reqeuested file handed it by the Web Server and returns to the Web Server HTML (or other formated) text to be sent back to the client.

Changing the URL effectively prevents page caching. That can be a limitation or advantage, depending on your requirements.

We are helping a client increase their search engine visibility and have designed some pages to rank high organically. ... We need to maintain the same url on these pages after updates.

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