Friday, March 26, 2010

To the MOD's - Just a Thought

We've been getting a lot of rants lately. This is not an uncommon occurance in product fora.

Often, I suggest taking it to the Lounge, or to the Forum Comments fora, but really neither of these locations is that good either. The Lounge is setup for discussions on non-technical, or non-technical to Adobe specifically, such as ''Finding a Replicator in Singapore,'' etc. and light banter that is totally OT to the product forum. The Forum Comments forum is really about the operations of the forum as a Web site, though tons of rants do end up there.

Now, on the PrE product forum, Steve Grisetti, the MOD there, has created a new sub-forum, basically for ''posts that do not require a response.'' Not sure that the exact syntax covers what this new sub-forum is about, but most ''get the picture.''

As many of these rants are rather product-specific, maybe a sub-forum under PrPro would work too. If one wished to comment, so long as it adheres to the guidelines of the Adobe forum, one could. If the OP can be convinced to post with specific technical questions (with all necessary info), they could be directed to do so out in the main forum.

Just a thought,


PS - I think that you folk are doing a great, albeit thankless, job.

To the MOD's - Just a Thought

Thanks for the idea, Hunt.

I think I speak for all the mods when I say that creating a new

sub-forum should only happen when there is a clear and overwhelming need

for one. Until then, we have ways of handling such rants. (Cue

mysterious, atmospheric music)


To the MOD's - Just a Thought

Some adobe fora do simalr to what you suggest and make the lounge not just a place for off topic, but a place for anything goes.?If the content of a post is innapropriate IMHO it doesnt belong anywhere. Creating a place where innapropriate content exists is contrary to the guidelines of this fora.

Its fine to rant and point out problems in products; as long as it is kept repsectful and the personal attacks are left out.?So, I encourage folks to rant (if they need to rant)?effectively in the product forum where the rant belongs. We certainly dont want to pretend problems dont exist.?And rants are sometimes needed. Just keep them on topic, respectful and not personal. A side benefit of a well crafted respectful rant is, people will actually listen to it and often respond positively.


I understand and agree. The one good thing that can come from the discussions that these rants initiate is that some good, useful info, might make it up. I realize that there is a tiny chance of this happening, but with Adobe trying to address some known issues with TS/CS, many good comments have come directly from Adobe - here and in the Forum Comments forum. These have been useful to me, as I can then link to those responses, in the rants.

Again, just thinking,


PS - I vacillated about posting this to the forum, or to the Lounge. There, I was afraid that it might fall down behind the plastic plant, or those cases of Rolling Rock...


Creating a place where innapropriate content exists is contrary to the guidelines of this fora.

Its fine to rant and point out problems in products; as long as it is kept repsectful and the personal attacks are left out.?So, I encourage folks to rant (if they need to rant)?effectively in the product forum where the rant belongs. We certainly dont want to pretend problems dont exist.?And rants are sometimes needed.

I agree with Jeff and Curt. No surprise there.

We just recently streamlined the Premiere forums by eliminating some sub-forums. This move is intended to make the forums more efficient in performing the only function that matters -- helping people better use the product. So far I have seen no reason to move in the opposite direction to accommodate those few individuals who do not choose to follow the forum rules. Making a sub-forum where anything goes is really an oxymoron, since anything doesn't go here.

Ive poked around various product forums here and maybe Im biased, but the Premiere forums are pretty high content pretty low noise. We have a pretty helpful and knowledgable group here.?Not all the fora are so friendly, Im afraid. I think there is a good thing going on here.?

It's fine just the way it is. No need for complication.


You must have missed the PS-Mac forum, 'cause I just dropped by and threw in a dozen ''Go PC, Mac's s__k'' bombs...

No, not really, and I do see the points of the MOD's.

I was just thinking ''out of the forum,'' but each of you make very valid points.


  • great wear
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