Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fade in

Hi there, I've just made the jump from GL to DW CS4. I've looked at the appear/fade behavior but it only works onMouse onClick onEtc. Is there a solution similar to the appear/fade that lets me fade in a div after some time or just appear? Thanks in advance!

Fade in

I'm not sure of your level of expertise, but you can do this with JQuery: .

Fade in


That was quick SnakEyez I'm not a heavy coder but looking at the script I see it works with onClick. Can it be altered to something like onLoad? The idea is that the div fades in by itself, not by any user action. Thanks.

I believe your question regarding onLoad has already been answered in my first post.

I guess so. I was still typing when you published your answer. Thanks. I have some tutorials on jQuery so I'll have a startingpoint. Out of curiosity, how come something like this is not standard to DW?

It is.?It's called Spry.?But development has been pushed back and no one really knows what is going on.?There are Spry forums and most of the developers are sharing between the next version of DW and Spry and that does not mean at the same time.?So it is obvious which takes priority although they still pop in once in awhile to ensure that they are going to continue developing it.

Spry Homepage -

Thanks SnakEyez for updating me. I'll keep a close watch on the page. Coming form GL I have the tendency to see DW as the Big Solution for it all. Now I know I have to lower my expectations

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