Tuesday, March 30, 2010

JSX to AppleScript

Hello, I was wondering how to have a jsx PS script launch faster by creating an AppleScript application to put in the dock or maybe just something in Automator.

Any ideas?

JSX to AppleScript

I avoid AppleScript, so I can’t help You there.

But if it’s just about avoiding having to scroll through the menus to trigger a Script, one can assign the Script a Keyboard Shortcut or record it into an Action.

Or in CS4 put Scripts into Configurator Panels.

JSX to AppleScript

For an application to put in your dock you could do something like this very basic example. You just have AppleScript perform your JavaScript text return something when done. This should be saved from 'Script Editor' as 'Application' from the file formats (do NOT use the run only option as this means that the script can't be opened and edited a code protection thing)

set JavaScript to ''myTest();

function myTest() {

var docRef = app.activeDocument;

var docWidth = docRef.width;

var docHeight = docRef.height;

var docSize = docWidth + ' x ' + docHeight

return docSize


tell application ''Adobe Photoshop CS2''


do javascript JavaScript ¬

show debugger on runtime error

set x to the result

display dialog x giving up after 2

end tell

Hmmm can't understand what this would do

Would it launch the jsx file into PS or is it possilbe to have an all-inclusive application that runs the code as well?


Oh, you mean replace the content of the myTest function with all the jsx code? sry

In the above is a very basic piece of JavaScript which is nothing more than a string of text a far as AppleScript is concerned. This string is then played out by Photoshop as a script. It should return a value to AppleScript to display a dialog about the active documents height %26amp; width. The JavaScript can perform a whole process of commands if you want it to. All you are doing here is wrapping a JavaScript inside of an AppleScript application. If you save the above out to app then you can put it in the doc and it will run when clicked. (all-inclusive)

Yes the JavaScript code can just sit inside of the AppleScript as a text variable in this case 'JavaScript' does that make any sense?

Mark, I'm trying to follow this not knowing anything about AppleScript.

It' looks like you are calling the js function, not the script( although in this case the entire js script is the function ). That is to say if I run that js scirpt in ESTK there would be no result as the js script does not call the function myTest(). For example if the script was just 'alert(''Hello World'');' could that be called from AppleScript?

Which leads to my next question. Must the js return something?

Both of those questions set aside the fact that it might be possible to do with AppleScript alone.


I tried replacing my jsx code inside either the '' '' or the function curly brackets but it's returning errors like it's not recognizing the syntax.

It stopped at a . for instance

Mike the above snippet of JavaScript returns the document size '183.499998 mm x 133.749999 mm' to the JavaScript Console for me when run in ESTK. There is a function call there its just before the function itself. JavaScript need NOT return anything back to AppleScript although I would return something just so that I know it was successful. The normal result when performing JavaScript is that of 'undefined'. If I save the following to '.jsx' on my desktop.

#target photoshop


alert(''Hello World'');

Then I can run this script as an external file too it's just read-in as text. Like this

set JavaScript to choose file


tell application ''Adobe Photoshop CS2''


do javascript JavaScript show debugger on runtime error

end tell

There is also the option to pass arguments too

Hmmm so any idea how to write the AppleScript?

I tried pasting my code here

set JavaScript to ''

%26lt;CODE PASTED HERE%26gt;


tell application ''Adobe Photoshop CS4''


do javascript JavaScript ¬

show debugger on runtime error

end tell

or even

set JavaScript to ''myTest();

function myTest() {

%26lt;CODE PASTED HERE%26gt;


tell application ''Adobe Photoshop CS4''


do javascript JavaScript ¬

show debugger on runtime error

end tell

But I get errors like these:

Syntax Error

A “,” can’t go after this “''”.

Syntax Error

A “''” can’t go after this “''”.

Syntax Error

A identifier can’t go after this “''”.

Any quotation marks in your javascript will need to be escaped (or use single quotes for strings). Otherwise, Applescript will assume that quotation mark to be the end of the string you are setting into your variable, and will try to compile the rest of the Javascript code as if it were Applescript code.

Thanks Mark, what do you mean by ''escaped'' ?

I replaced all '' with '   but it's giving

Syntax Error

Expected “''” but found unknown token.

Hmm still haven't sorted it out... any ideas?

Any chance of posting the .jsx file's code up here or e-mail it so we can see what we are dealing with. Did you also try the option of just running the file as an external file?

As you are looking at saving your script as an .app so that it can be added to the dock, finder window sidebar or toolbar you also have the following option that you may wish to try out. This way you should NOT need edit your JavaScript at all if it works just fine when executed.

set JavaScript to (path to me as Unicode text) %26amp; ''JS_Test.jsx'' as alias


tell application ''Adobe Photoshop CS2''


do javascript JavaScript show debugger on runtime error

end tell

Here I just saved the above out as an application bundle. Once this is done control click on it to show package contents and pop your saved .jsx file inside the package. You will need to edit the name of the string in the first line to match the file in which you are placing.

Oh that's cool, it works

Any way to protect the app so the jsx is unaccessible/locked/password-protected?

You can convert it to a binary format (jsxbin), but that just adds more complexity whether or not AS is involved.

As far I know the AppleScript 'main.scpt' can be protected by choosing the 'run only' option when saving the application bundle. Remember to ONLY check this box with a COPY of your script or you will NOT be able to edit later. I don't think that you can protect the 'resources' themselves but you could look into that. You can hide them by using shell to put them in your package but that does NOT offer any level of security just keeps some of the curious away. Im NOT familiar with X's solution but Im sure it would be the best way to go.

Hmmm that used to work but is now giving

Expected end of line, etc. but found identifier.

and highlights the word javascript on 5th line

can't find a reason why?

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