Sunday, March 28, 2010


Seems so ridiculous I hate to post, but am tired of messing with it. If I have an image, solid, etc., and want to lower the top without raising the bottom (scale the top and bottom, or right and left indepent of each other), how do I do that? Usually you would hold the 'alt' button at the same time to get that 'from the center effect', but apparently that is the default setting here. There must be a hot key to over ride it, but I can't find it. Thank you.


Scaling in AE is always relative to the anchor point of the layer, which defaults to the center of the layer (except in text layers).?You would need to move the anchor point to scale any other way.


Thank you Andrew for taking the time to answer. Obviously, I didn't know that, but I do now . Still learning, take care, and thanks again.

Here's more information about scaling and anchor points.

Thank you Todd, and everyone else who takes the time and patience to help us newbs, without making us feel anymore inept than we already do. Great link, sorry I didn't find it myself?Cin.

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