Friday, March 26, 2010

Int explorer fix


This is my site so far

in Int Ex, the contact info at the bottom of each page sits too high.

Also in Int Ex, on the contact page ''get in touch with us''?appears in the incorrect typeface/color

I have attached my css.



Int explorer fix

Hello Gretchen

Did you mean too high or too big?

#BottomBox p {Int explorer fix

There isn't an %26lt;h8%26gt; in xhtml apparently.?That'll be why the text is the wrong colour in IE


Actually, you ought to check all your pages and CSS in the validator.?Do you know how to do that?


but if I change the margin top to 20px, won't it sit too LOW in Mac Safari/Firefox? Where it looks fine as is?

Is there some way to say ''if INT EXP then 20PX'' kind of thing?


Let's take this one step at a time. You have errors in your HTML with tags having openings and not closings.?If you fix that it might change some of your discrepancy: .?You also have some CSS errors.?Basically the only errors being reported are all on your floated elements.?To fix this you need to add a width to all floated elements.

I'm waiting to see an IE screenshot from browsershots, so if you want to upload one quicker to show us what you mean, that might help.

here's the error as jpg

no jpg attached.

If you want to attach an image, please use the small camera icon in the top menu bar.

Int Exp error screenshot attached (I hope)

Try taking out your footer div. It serves no purpose in that place with this attribute:

#footer {
clear: both;
width: 950px;
height: 0px;

strangely enough, when I take out that footer, the repeating background art (the left and right side of the red box) disappears even though it contains other items...

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