Friday, April 2, 2010

Suggestion: package-level assert...

AS3 doesn't have static method imports as nice as Java 5, but we can do much the same thing with package-level functions.We could use these to cut down on the amount of typing necessary in FlexUnit 4.

I added this to my fork of AsUnit: 6b87d


package asunit.asserts {Suggestion: package-level assert...

When you have a moment, take a look at the assertThat() method and the new hamcrest matchers. I like these because rahter than build a single static class with all of the methods they distribute that work and allow (again with the theme) a pluggable way to handle comparison. This is defined as a top-level method of sort so that you have some less typing, altough adding back the complexity of hamcrest likely makes it equal.

Incidentally, I am guessing you could make your ASUnit fork work inside of FU4 in a matter of hours.


Suggestion: package-level assert...

Right, I'm familiar with Hamcrest. I did my own AS2 port from Java because I liked it so much. But even so, I find myself staying with classic assertEquals() (in AsUnit 3) when I can, because I don't have to do the Hamcrest import and set up the swc for the project. Lazy, I know. I should put those things in templates. Also, assertEquals() will run faster, but how much difference that makes, I don't know, would have to measure.

JUnit 4 does it like this, and saves its users a lot of typing in the 80% case where no matchers are needed.

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
?public void add() {
?assertEquals(calculator.getResult(), 2);

Another practical benefit for FlexUnit 4 users would be in migration. They wouldn't have to search and replace all their asserts in order to use the new test format.


I totally agree with you. I wish we had static imports as well.

Let's talk more about your suggestion, I am certainly open to it.

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