I've had my Illustrator CS 4 for about 3 months now and have had no problems.?Today, I opened to create a new project and the only tool that is working is the hand tool.?I am able to see and select the other tools on the left menu bar; however, the hand tool seems to over ride the others and I can't create anything!?HELP!!!!?Any ideas??I've tried restarting and ran updates...
Problem at start up - just started...Your spacebar might be stuck. What happens in something like a text editor? Do you have another keyboard you can try?
Also, in oddball cases like this, it's always worth trying a prefs reset: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Illustrator/14.0/WS714a382cdf7d304e7e07d0100196cbc5f -630ba.html
Problem at start up - just started...Harron K. Appleman wrote:
Your spacebar might be stuck. What happens in something like a text editor? Do you have another keyboard you can try?
Ah, a new reference, Harron.
And I thought I was terse.
Unlikely the spacebar or the OP would not be able to type his post.Thank you all for trying to troubleshoot ideas.?I ended up re-running the updates and restarting again and now it works fine.?I was writing to you from the same computer this happend on, jus to clear that up.?Not sure what happend or why the glitch - I'm just happy to be running again .
Thanks, again!
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