Friday, April 2, 2010

Can someone help me get these files...

I've been trying to make these two forms as small a file as possible for inclusion on a website for download, especially for dial-ups etc., and can't seem to do it under 800+kb. Ideally I'd like to get them under 100 but realise this may not be possible because of them being forms. Can anyone help?



Can someone help me get these files...

You should be able to go to the PDF Optimizer and do an audit. That will tell you where the bloat is. There graphic is small, but could be an issue if you are using 24-bit colors and such. the 256 color option should be fine. A key may be that you are saving using the save selection. Use the Save As selection. There is a lot in the form, so it could be that the form fields are the issue as you suggest.

If you created the form in Designer, you might find it worthwhile to ask in the LiveCycle forum.

Can someone help me get these files...

Thanks Bill. Yes it was done in LiveCycle so I've posted there as well.

I have done an audit through Optimizer and it's saying that the fonts are 81% and document overhead is 18% so the forms appear to be nothing to do with the problem. Is there something I'm missing?



I would have to go back and look, but it may be that you are embedding 100% of a font that could be subset. Also, you need to be sure you are using a vector font and not a bitmap font, though I think that was the case. You might try to minimize the number of fonts you are using. Looks like all you have is Times-New Roman and the font is subset. I can't see any reason the fonts should near 1/2 MB in the audit.

The fact that the fonts take up 81% is a bit of a clue. I could not play with it because of the security. I was also viewing it in an older version of Acrobat (may be the security issue if you did not set it). Anyway, at least you have a clue where to look some more. With a new week coming in, maybe some others will check by and give some suggestions. Bill

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