Sunday, April 4, 2010

Process hangs

I am running the trial version of Adobe Premiere Elements 8 on Windows 7 x64 RTM.?

I love the software, and have seen some great things.?However, one really annoying thing I've found so far is that whenever I finish a video editing session, I close the software but the ''Adobe Premiere Elements.exe *32'' process hangs.?It actually jumps the CPU usage, occupying one full core on my quad-core box.?(CPU shows as 25% on that one process).?

Is this a known issue??Any way to resolve this?

I'd love to get this fixed before I purchase this otherwise fantastic software.



Process hangs

It could well be related to the fact that you're running it on a 64-bit operating system.

But it could also be a benign error code. That occasionally happened with an earlier version of the software also. It shouldn't affect the program or any work you have in progress.

But you can certainly let Adobe know it's there.

Process hangs

Thanks for your answer.?However, I'm not actually getting any type of error code.?But when I quit the application, one core of my CPU jumps up to full usage, and in my process list, I see the Adobe Premiere Elements.exe process still running and consuming that CPU.?

I have run many 32-bit apps on my 64-bit OS, and have yet to see this type of behavior.

Is it possible that Premiere Elements 8 does not yet fully support Windows 7??Anyone from Adobe on here that can answer that question?

To get an answer from Adobe, you'll need to contact Adobe. This is a user-to-user forum here.

Meantime, remember that although you are using Window 7 RC, it's still not a final release version, so they could still be working these minor bugs out -- even as third-party driver and firmware providers work to update their support for it.

When many programs shut down, especially NLE's, there is a great deal of ''cleanup,'' that they must perform. There are a lot of temp files, that are needed for editing, Exporting, Burning, etc., that need to be removed. This is likely what you are seeing, especially with no error messages.

As for Adobe presence, the closest thing that you'll find is that red and white A logo on the upper-left of the forum pages. We're all just users here.

Good luck,


Actually, I am using the Windows 7 RTM version from my MSDN account.?So it is the final release.?I will continue my testing and see if I can figure out what it is doing.?I left it running for several hours last time and it still wouldn't stop...

You need to tell Adobe... - do be
sure to include all information, so they may reproduce the problem

  • blush
  • Affichage Web rapide


    J'ai converti un fichier *.doc sur et je vois que dans la propri茅t茅 du document, avec Acrobat Reader, il a l'option ''Affichage Web rapide''.

    Peut-on obtenir un fichier n'ayant pas cette propri茅t茅 ?

    Je me pose la m锚me question en convertissant avec Quark Xpress : je ne vois pas l'option dans les param猫tres d'exportation.

    Quel impact cette option at-elle sur la structure du document ?

    Merci de vos r茅ponses.

    Geteilte Screen in Videos

    Hallo liebe User!

    Ich m鏋歝hte gerne mehrere Videos auf einer Screen ablaufen lassen - also beispielsweise eins oben links und eins oben rechts und unten quer 鐪塨er beide Breiten ein drittes - Jan Luc Goddard hat solche Dinge immer wieder gemacht.

    Ich verwende die Adobe Creative Suite Cs4 premium und komme nicht dahiter - wie ich die einzelnen Positionsrahmen f鐪塺 die Videos erzeugen kann - kenne die Geschichten vom MAC und w鐪塺de gerne wissen, obs mit der PP-Suite 鐪塨erhaupt geht.

    LG Wolfgang

    Geteilte Screen in Videos

    Leg die 3 Videos in 3 Spuren 鐪塨ereinander.

    Im Effekteinstellungsfenster dann das oberste auf 25% verkleinern und links oben hinschieben, in Spur 2 dasselbe und rechts hinschieben.

    Auf das untere den Effekt Zuschneiden legen und im Effekteinstellungsfenster so zuschneiden, da鑴?es pa鑴絫.


    Geteilte Screen in Videos

    Danke Wiro - pr鐩瞶ise und auf den Punkt.


    Crystal Reports functionality from Save...

    Sorry if I've missed this in the presentation video since I've only watched half of it, so I have no idea if this has been considered for development.

    I use ''Save The Cat'' from Blake Snyder to storyboard my scenes with Crystal Reports - minus his structure.. and I create my own story templates and then drop the whole thing into ''Final Draft''.

    If I had the flexibility to setup and re-use ''structure'' templates that would contain my scene cards with an overview of my scene cards as the structure under my script and the ability to toggle between the two...then where do I sign on the dotted line?

    If you could integrate this functionality into this software - and as I say, I'm not sure if you've done this - then I'm sold. In other words, you build with the cards, and worry about the script later.



    Expanding table, rows and columns

    I can make my table grow in rows or columns but not in both, when i add a row it will not add the column i have just added and the colum will not include the row i have just added.

    does any one know what script i need so the addInstance knows whan i have added a new row or column.


    Expanding table, rows and columns

    Can you post your sample so we may have a look?


    Expanding table, rows and columns

    here it is.

    I have had a look and here is what I have come up with. Each time you add a row or a colum you are chnaging the som expression that is used to add the next row or column. I added a for loop around each call to add the columns/rows as required.

    Is this what you were looking for? See the attached file


    many thanks for that, been trying to work it out for weeks.


    Flipping book

    I have not played with this in a while, but when ID CS4 came out i played with this a bit. I never could figure out how to make it so the book would be ''closed'' by default rather than open to the first spread to start.

    Is there a way to do this?

    Flipping book

    Are you referring to the SWF export? If so, some things just need to be faked.

    For instance, if you're putting something like that in a web page with a green background, you need to create a new first page and color it to match.

    It's not a very elegant feature at all but it's a 1.0 thing and holds a great deal of promise.


    Flipping book

    Let me expand a bit on Bob's response. If you want it to look like an actual book, you have to?have a front cover and back cover, and you document must be in spreads (or faked into spreads from single pages). Then you also need to add another page before the front cover, and an extra page after the last page/back cover. As Bob suggests, make this be the same color as your web page. You might need to turn off ''allow pages to shuffle'' and ''allow spreads to shuffle'' on the pages pallet to add a page on the front cover spread itself, if you doc is setup as facing pages.

    The SWF should open up to the first page i.e. the front cover then.

    yeah i knew what he meant. That works great unless your trying to keep the book centered the whole time. Its not a big deal, i have softwear to create a book from PDF, but i would prefer to do it in ID if i could

    If you mean something like this:

    I can give you small container that does the job... you can download it from

    Just unzip the package, you will have a folder called eDocContainer. Inside that folder, there is four files

    -magazine.swf %26lt;------- replace this with SWF file from indesign, use exactly same name
    -index.html %26lt;------ after that, open this to browser

    -AC_RunActiveContent.js %26lt;----- don楹搕 remove, replace or rename
    -container.swf %26lt;----- don楹搕 remove, replace or rename

    I made little stroke around spreads in InDesign, 0,5pt, aligned inside.

    I exported SWF to 700px heigth, no html-file...

    detect other open windows ?

    Can AIR at this point detect other open windows and interact with them ? I mean can AIR have get methods for x,y,width,height of other open windows exepct of the AIR app ?

    detect other open windows ?

    An AIR application can get windows it has opened, using the NativeApplication.openedWindows property. It cannot detect the windows opened by other applications.

    Exporting Videos in Premier Pro CS4

    hey all!

    When I go to export my finished video it asks to set all the properties like the codec and its details, res and all that jazz - I was wondering, is it not possible to have the exported video use the exact same properties as the original? It seems like I HAVE to re-encode it...

    I dont want to risk losing any video or sound quality so why do I have to change the videos codec? Is there no way of just using the source video properties?

    Any info would be great, cheers guys!

    Exporting Videos in Premier Pro CS4


    You can usually export out the same codec that you're editing in, but it depends on which codec you are using??What format do you want to output?


    Exporting Videos in Premier Pro CS4

    Thanks for your response, below I have attached a screen of the codec details for my source videos. I dont really mind which format its output in, just as long as the quality is in no way differentfrom the originals

    Editing long GOP source material like this H.264 source will ALLWAYS result in a generation loss. There is no way around it. However, if you export with the right codec and the right bitrate settings you can minimize the generation loss to be hardly noticeable. But, it is important to export as few times as possible. Of course 5 generation losses will be far worse than a single generation loss and if you want to get the best quality on output, use the Maximum Render Quality setting. It will take 2 - 3 times as long but you maintain quality better.

    Thanks again, while not the answer I hoped for it is still the answer

    So, new question!

    What is ''GOP''?

    I've changed those settings as you suggested, thanks very much for your help AGAIN!

    GOP = Group Of Pictures. Have a look here for a more complete explanation: It handles MPEG2, but the same happens with MPEG4.


    One thing to consider with Export, is what do you plan on doing with the resulting file?

    If, for instance, you need to get the Exported material onto an iPod, you would work within the restrictions of that medium, and set your Export to match that. If you are going to BD (Blu-ray Disc), you would work within the specs. of that medium - and so on, and so on.

    What is your intended delivery medium?

    If it is to exactly (as close as you can) your source footage, except with the edits and additions, then sticking with the same format/CODEC and size settings will get you what you need.

    Let your needs dictate your Export settings. Remember, you can Export to many different settings, so you will not have to do any conversions, of the original Export.

    Good luck,


    video links

    I want to use a movie in a Flash website, but only have a YouTube link

    Is it possible to link to and play the video from YouTube while using the design and skin I design for my site?

    Or do I have to get tha actual Quicktime, FLV file?


    video links

    ok man u need to go to

    and add ur youtube link in there so u get the FLV file then add it in ur flash as u like

    video links

    thanks, thought this seems to only work on a PC. I have a MAC

    however I saw that on these video sites they give you a URL and options to embed the link.

    Do you know how this works?

    OK I saw in the Import Video option, you could embed a URL, then choose a size and skin

    I did that, but it doesn't work. I get a message that says

    ''NetStream.Play.FileStructure: Adobe Flash cannot import files that have invalid structures.''

    What does that mean??I am out out of luck trying to use this link?

    embed swf or html within a swf?

    Is it possible to embed an swf or html file within another swf ...without using ActionScript?


    embed swf or html within a swf?

    no way coz u need to call the file by his name

    so will need to use

    '''' loadMovieNum ''''?or '''' loadMovie ''''

    embed swf or html within a swf?

    You cannot embed an html page in an swf page in any case.?If you import an swf with the intent to embed it into another swf, you can embed it, but if it has any actionscript it will be lost.?The only way to incorporate an swf into another swf without actionscript and still have its actionscript work is to copy the main tineline of the swf (ala its fla file) into a movieclip and copy that movieclip into the other swf.

    It appears you had more to say but it was cut off if so.

    How to use Sections to make multiple...

    I'm working in one InDesign CS3 document and am trying to automate some stuff for the first time. When I start a second Section in my document, and give it a number 2 in the 'Chapter number' box of the 'Numbering %26amp; sections' dialog-box, the first Section I made also gets a number 2. How can I tell InDesign that a page belongs to chapter one and the next to chapter two and use paragraph styles to number the paragraphs of my report for me? I know how to work with 'Bullets and Numbers' as paragraph styles.

    A million thanks!


    How to use Sections to make multiple...

    Why not use booklet mode? Then?it will automatically set each INDD doc as a new chapter unless otherwise specified.

    How to use Sections to make multiple...

    I would like to not split up my report in multiple files at this time. Is

    there another way to make chapters?

    2009/9/27 M.Jay.Victor %26lt;;

    Why not use booklet mode? Then it will automatically set each INDD doc as

    a new chapter unless otherwise specified.


    Another topic: is it possible to make footnotes that not appear at the

    bottom of every page, but collect them at the end of a chapter as a list?

    Hoping you can help me!


    2009/9/27 Fenna Blomsma %26lt;;

    I would like to not split up my report in multiple files at this time. Is

    there another way to make chapters?


    2009/9/27 M.Jay.Victor %26lt;;


    Why not use booklet mode? Then it will automatically set each INDD doc as

    %26gt;%26gt; a new chapter unless otherwise specified.


    RandomWeather wrote:

    Another topic: is it possible to make footnotes that not appear at the

    bottom of every page, but collect them at the end of a chapter as a list?

    Hoping you can help me!


    He was trying to do it manually i think... Im not in front of my comps though, so I'm not able to test what he said:(

    Thnx! You're a live-saver!

    2009/9/27 %26lt;

  • blush
  • Upgrading and Buying Software on E-Bay

    Hello All,

    I need to have answers to a few questions about buying and upgrading software:

    1. If you have a suite (e.g. CS3 standard), can you buy just Photoshop Upgrade CS4, rather than buy the more-costly suite, especially since Adobe has changed pricing between student and educator.

    2. On Adobe's site, it said that if you bought a student edition of software, the item could be registered without problem if you already had an educator (teacher) status - can someone corroborate this and tell me where the info is (Heaven knows if I could find this again!).

    3. If you have CS2, and then buy the CS4 upgrade- will the upgrade work to replace the CS2 or would one have to buy CS3 and then CS4 upgrades, or simply buy a whole new CS4?

    Thanks, and have a nice day...

    Stacey Bindman


    Resizing of Flash Screen

    I've been using Firefox to play some of the flash-based games on Facebook (Restaurant City, Country Story, etc..) and some how I've managed to resize the playing screen.?I don't know if it's just the Vista O/S or if it's the Inspiron 15 laptop I have, but I know that I can scroll and resize fonts just by the use of the touch pad.?(Anytime the resizing happens, it is always by accident because I can never do it on purpose!)?So, this has now happened twice on the Flash game playing screen and I can't get it back to its full size.?Can anyone help me with instructions to manually resize my screen?

    When I open the game up using IE, it is fine, so it seems just to be Firefox and it is only in the one game that I've managed to do this twice in.?All other games from the same company are fine in terms of size.


    Resizing of Flash Screen

    Never mind!?I used the reset option under view and things are back to normal... which is strange, because I tried it after the first resizing and nothing seemed to have happened.?

    Is Bridge supporting 16 Bit for NEF...

    Hi to all!

    I'm a longtime Aperture user, but I'm considering to use it in future more for all my selecting and ordering of my files, and would like to do the Raw conversion in Adobe Camera Raw.

    My files used in Aperture are 'referenced', so only the edits etc. will be stored as an extra file in Aperture Library. So I can work on the NEF files within Aperture, but also within CS4 (which gives me the edits as an extra file beside the photo file, it seems not to disturb Aperture).

    So far so good. But now I noticed that Aperture is converting my 14 Bit NEF files before working on it into a 16 Bit file. I also can export it as a 16 bit file, but not as a NEF anymore. If I open the same NEF file in Camera Raw it appears to be only a 8 Bit file.

    Is there a way that Adobe could change it into a 16 Bit. Or is this not important during that converting in Camera RAW?

    Thanks for any advise

    Is Bridge supporting 16 Bit for NEF...

    In Camera RAW you have to choose 16bit click the link below the image.

    Is Bridge supporting 16 Bit for NEF...

    Thank you so much Buko!

    I didn't notice that those info's were 'clickable'.

    Super easy, and cool. Also the OPTION to choose the resolution is great.

    You were much of a help!

    You're welcome.

    Mac Projector


    I'm working on a presentation that is to be distributed via USB sticks. The presentation needs to work on both mac and windows.. I did all the work in Adobe FLEX, but only after beeing finished with the project - I fail to discover a way to publish to mac projector from flex!

    I have access to Adobe Flash CS3 (in which I can export to mac projector as well as regular .exe), but there's no easy way to go from flex's mxml files to .fla files?


    cfdiv refresh other div

    I've got two cfdiv's on a page, one with a grid and another with a form. If someone clicks on an item in the grid, the details get loaded into the form grid. Once the forms gets submitted I want the grid to update too. Is it possible to refresh ''the other div''? If so how?

    flash error


    at the link below is a page with a flash content. The page loads andas far as I'm aware has no coding errors but the flash remains invisible in chrome., firefox IE and safari. If I double click on theswf file on my PC the movie plays.

    Can someone assist?



    flash error

    If you have Flash, try generating an html page when you publish the swf and use the embedding code that Flash implements in that file instead of what you have now.?It may require use of a different js file which Flash will name in the head code and provide a copy of the file.

    flash error


    thanks for that, that sorted it. Copied the code and away we go thanks


    You're welcome

  • blush
  • Need help saving image from webcam

    I found the tutorial on taking a picture with your webcam using Flash but now I want to save that image. I actually want to put that image into database on my website. Can someone please point me to a tutorial on how to save images once you have taken a picture.



    flash player on wince 6.0